Ready to transform?

At Sparxsys we are committed to provide world class professional services, because you deserve better.

About us

We have a team of highly passionate, humble and honest people who love what they do. In Sparxsys we encourage our employees to actively contribute back to the community by various means like creating educational videos, mentoring others and participating in online forums. Above all we want to be happy in life.

What we do

Sparxsys is an Atlassian and Drupal Consultancy company. We provide world class professional services and have years of proven experience helping our clients. Founded in Delhi, India in the year 2010 by two friends with mutual interests. In 2021 we launched Sparxsys in London, United Kingdom as well.

We have been doing Atlassian Consultation for almost two decades now and we must admit that not all consultations are 100% successful or go as planned. To be honest it is fine.

We make regular videos related to Atlassian Career to help anyone who is interested in building a career in the Atlassian ecosystem. You find direct links to lots of videos below and also follow this link - Atlassian Career Videos.

Reporting in Jira is good and it works but often people want to do more with Jira data, then want to make informed decisions based on accurate information and past performance. There are apps like eazyBI which we absolutely love and we recommend it all the time but not everyone wants to install apps for various reasons.

We don't necessarily love Excel but..

A very happy new year to all of you. We wish you lot of success in 2023. Last year was really good for us, we achieved a lot and are really happy and content with our achievements. Although Sparxsys was started in India in 2010 but it was our first year of operation in the UK and we did quite well in its first year in a different country.

2022 was a wonderful year for us. We are happy with whatever we achieved this year. At Sparxsys our goal is very simple and clear - "We want to provide the world class Atlassian services to our clients".