JQL Maximiser comes with various powerful JQL functions that are based on JQL or Filter as an input, giving your maximum flexibility to find the issues based on a specific criteria. Helping you with not only reports but also house keeping activities.
JQL Functions
The following functions will be available to use after installing this app.
- issue in CommentedByUserFunction("JQL/Filter", "Username")
- issue in ParentsOfSubTasks("JQL/Filter")
- issue in SubTasksOfParents("JQL/Filter")
- issue in AllOutwardLinks("JQL/Filter")
- issue in attachmentByName("JQL/Filter", "part of filename")
- issue in attachmentBySize("JQL/Filter", "file size in bytes")
Data security and privacy statement
JQL Maximiser app does not collect any customer information. It only use Jira issue's existing data and show it on the issue screen.