Shivachitvani Website

Shiva meditation is a beautiful phrase formed by two words.Shiva means pure power/energy which is naturally there within every Human being,it’s just a matter of becoming aware of it.Man is a storehouse of limitless powers.He’s searching to find out how to utilise these energies.

Chitta-vani means seeking out these energies by employing one’s mind/conscousness.Now the question arises-How can the mind discover these powers?
As our mind is cleansed of impurities and becomes clearer,it naturally receives theses energies until finally ,its very nature gets transformed in to pure energy itself.

In this world,every person is suffering from one or the other problem because he/she does not know how to find one’s way out of all these problems.
He/she is not aware that all the required powers dwell within him/her only.Through Shiva meditation,man comes to recognise his true nature and a way out of all these problems appears by itself.

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