Entering into Omega 4

Submitted by ravisagar on Thu, 01/02/2014 - 04:53

Here we started working on Omega 4 theme for Drupal 7. Its actually great to work on it. Soon we shall show what we are developing on omega 4. Recently the Omega 4 base theme, despite its beta status, has been declared ready for production use. Since I’ve always been a big fan of Omega, We thought we’d write up an overview and share a few observations. 

Omega has been known for providing a powerful set of tools that could be easily used by non-technical site builders. It wasn’t necessary to be a front-end developer in order to get a lot of value from Omega. Things have changed.

As the documentation states, Omega 4 is, “completely targeted at moderate to advanced themers.” The browser tools you used in Omega 3 to modify grids and layouts are gone and a knowledge of more advanced tools and techniques are required to use Omega 4 as intended.

If you are interested to know more about Omega 4, you can visit http://friendlymachine.net/posts/preview-omega-4